Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing

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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC The-ka11
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 Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC

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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC Empty
PostSubject: Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC   Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC EmptyThu May 09, 2013 8:17 am

Flipped my yak yesterday in OC... Was in the bay trolling with some tubes which surprisingly work pretty well. Lines start to peel off turn to reach for rod and started to drink the ocean... Time to put a rod holder up front on the prowler. Had to swim after the yak, didn't loser any gear thankfully but the water was cold. Some guys in a boat stopped my yak from getting sucked out into the ocean cause I was near the longport bridge. Current there has gotten worse after sandy.and the waves at OC are huge compared to pre sandy. Ended the day with my pride beaten to crap, cold, 2 stripers, and laughing my butt off at the VFW. As the guys were having a good time laughing at me for not taking my boat out vs the yak. Just can't get enough of the yak. No fuel,good work out, and I swear the feeling you have getting towed around makes that difficult paddle against strong currents worth it. Just have to stay topside and dry! Anyone going out soon and wanna hook up let me know will be in OC area all of next week. Be safe out there.
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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC   Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC EmptyFri May 10, 2013 1:53 am

Kinda a wierd feeling when you realize your about to get wet and there is nothing you can do to stop it!
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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC Empty
PostSubject: Dunking ?   Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC EmptySat May 11, 2013 12:24 pm

Kayak leash
An unmanned Kayak can blow across a lake or bay like a wayward beach ball. Whether the kids didn't beach it properly or it blew off a dock a kayak is light on the water and hard to catch once it gets out on the water alone. A 5 mph breeze can turn a sunny day retrieval into an Olympic swim.

As a kayak fisherman I am most concerned about unintentionally becoming separated from my ride. I often find myself fishing areas where the wind and currents are in opposition. The rips hold a lot of gamefish. However should I ever get bucked into swimming mode my chances to get back to my Hobie would be near zero. A straight up Google search for “Missing Kayaker” confirmed my concerns with dozens of hits where Kayaks and gear were found without their unfortunate riders.

My solution is a Big Dog 25' Retractable leash. Initially I tied the leash to the seat back and snapped the dog end to my belt. I enjoyed the freedom the leash gave me while clamming and a feeling of being prepared should the unexpected happen. A couple surf entries and exits later sand became a problem as it jammed up the retractable part. After disassembling and cleaning I discovered why the leash had a $40 Pet Smart price tag. The mechanism had been submerged in salt water repeatedly for most of the season but there was no trace of corrosion on the spring. The spring looks like a stainless steel alloy. By accident I bought a quality product.

With the sand removed from my leash I decided to tie wrap the handle inside the Hobie to the scupper tube and feed the leash strap through a slot at my seat back. I replaced the dog snap with a quick release clip from an old life vest and I have used it without trouble since. I used a 9/64” drill bit to poke 4 holes side by side and then cleared the remaining material with the side of the bit to make the slot.

If you decide to include a leash on your ride there are a couple practical issues I have come across. Don't forget to unsnap when you go back to the truck or walk around your kayak with fishing rods in the holders. And form a routine of entering and exiting from the same side of your kayak. The routine is important to me because my electronics and spare rigs are on one side only and I prefer not to climb over my gear. The use of any equipment or activity always carries some risk. When I fish narrow rivers and streams with log jams I do not leash up. If I go over I can make the bank safely and do not want to be tied to my ride if it drifts into a brush pile where entanglement is possible. The same would be true for farm ponds without current, I would swim to the nearest bank and retrieve the kayak from the windward shore. I advocate the leash on all open water, current and windy conditions where separation from my ride would result in being stranded.

We have all heard admonitions and cautions for safety at every seminar, at each store where we make an equipment purchase and pretty much every time we leave the house. We buy engineered life vests; carry cell phones, VHF radios, flares, signal mirrors, flags and whistles. We leave the house with float plans posted and the weather report memorized and yet each year some of us do not return. The rewards of fishing from a kayak far outweigh the risks but if the unexpected happens to me, I will be found leashed to my kayak and might be remembered for saving the search party many dangerous hours of searching for my cold wet carcass.
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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC   Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC EmptySun May 12, 2013 3:25 pm

Dog leash sounds like an interesting idea as long as the line doesn't get tangled around you when you get dunked.
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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC Empty
PostSubject: Try it   Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC EmptyTue May 14, 2013 9:59 am

Try it.....if the boater hadn't been there you might not be posting now. I prefer to be tangled (hasn't happened yet) to my kayak than set adrift with the inlets currents.....just saying is all. Do the Missing Kayaker search.... Ultimately we are responsible for our own safety....have fun
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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC   Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC EmptySun May 26, 2013 1:57 pm

Do you leash up on a surf entry or exit?
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Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC   Got me my 1st dunking of 2013 in OC EmptyMon Jun 24, 2013 8:29 pm

You all might want to consider a Rescue Ladder too [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] . Those strong currents can make it almost impossible to self rescue even for the most physically fit person.
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