Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing

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The Kayak Fishing Store ..........501 Ocean Drive, North Wildwood, NJ......... The largest selection of accessories in Southern NJ!!!!!!! ..............609.522.5969.....................
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Barnegat Bay 8/16 The-ka11
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 Barnegat Bay 8/16

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2 posters
Andy P

Posts : 7
Join date : 2013-07-23
Age : 51
Location : Barnegat

Barnegat Bay 8/16 Empty
PostSubject: Barnegat Bay 8/16   Barnegat Bay 8/16 EmptyWed Aug 14, 2013 10:22 am

I'll be hitting the bay this weekend, probably Barnegat Light area early am for a few hours. This will be my first time there.

I usually launch out of Barnegat, but I havent found many fish around the 42 marker and south. I'm new to the bay and it would great to get pointers or meet up.
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Squid Lips

Squid Lips

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Join date : 2012-05-16
Age : 58
Location : Barnegat, NJ

Barnegat Bay 8/16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Barnegat Bay 8/16   Barnegat Bay 8/16 EmptyWed Aug 14, 2013 10:34 am

There is a boat ramp on 10th st in Barnegat Light. I think he charges up to 20 bucks for a launch though. This will put you at Meyers Hole in front of the dike. A little further down the road is 25th st. You can launch for free there but this takes you behind the dike where the currents can be ripping at times, actually the current is ripping around that whole inlet area so watch the tide chart.

Short fluke around, weakfish early in the am, some bluefish, lots of croakers and blowfish...
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Andy P

Posts : 7
Join date : 2013-07-23
Age : 51
Location : Barnegat

Barnegat Bay 8/16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Barnegat Bay 8/16   Barnegat Bay 8/16 EmptyWed Aug 14, 2013 11:02 am

Squid Lips wrote:
There is a boat ramp on 10th st in Barnegat Light. I think he charges up to 20 bucks for a launch though. This will put you at Meyers Hole in front of the dike. A little further down the road is 25th st. You can launch for free there but this takes you behind the dike where the currents can be ripping at times, actually the current is ripping around that whole inlet area so watch the tide chart.

Short fluke around, weakfish early in the am, some bluefish, lots of croakers and blowfish...
thanks for the launch tip. do you anchor there at all?
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