As far as prizes go, and for the ECKFS points, we will have 2 Categories;
Slam - Open / Artificial (combined)
Slam - Fly
Mini contests for individual species will still be present, however they will be attached to another prize structure.
Slam consists of ONE STRIPED BASS, ONE BLUEFISH, AND ONE OTHER. This will not be difficult this time of year.
The "OTHER FISH" can not be shark, ray or trash fish. We'd like to recommend C & R of an in season species. (More later)
Overall inches of the FORKED LENGTH measurement will determine the winner.
Ties will be broken by the time the photos are submitted for judging.
If we experience slow action on the day of the event we will judge by closest to the Slam. (Any combo of above or even single species)
Recommended OTHER FISH targets; False Albies, Tautog, Kingfish, Weakfish, Specs, Drum, Seabass, Sheepshead, on and on.
These rules are still evolving and as this is year one, we are welcoming suggestions from everyone.