Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing

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The Kayak Fishing Store ..........501 Ocean Drive, North Wildwood, NJ......... The largest selection of accessories in Southern NJ!!!!!!! ..............609.522.5969.....................
The Kayak Fishing Store
Coast To Coast The-ka11
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-11-18
Location : Hewitt

Coast To Coast Empty
PostSubject: Coast To Coast   Coast To Coast EmptyFri Nov 18, 2011 3:46 pm

Hey Yakkers, I'm new to NJ but not Yak fishing, I've been hooked on yak fishing for 5 years, I've just moved from San Diego, I hope the fishing here is just as good as it was in SoCal. Here is a pic of my largest catch.

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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Age : 53
Location : Cape May, New Jersey

Coast To Coast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coast To Coast   Coast To Coast EmptyFri Nov 18, 2011 6:06 pm

Welcome to the site and to the shitty state of NJ Very Happy

Great Thresher! I'm putting that at the top of my wish list for 2012. I've yet to catch one and hope to!!!

This is a good fishery as we have so many species to target. It depends on where you are in the state. So, where are you?

Feel free to jump in on any posted outings or invite others to yours. This is a small forum and most of us are all friends.
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-11-18
Location : Hewitt

Coast To Coast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coast To Coast   Coast To Coast EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 1:48 pm

I live in Hewitt, I live on upper Greenwood lake. Let me know if you want to get hooked onto a big T-Shark! I can give you some input. Just to give you and Idea its like sittting on a skateboard and snagging a VW bug! If its a female more that 100lbs hold on for a long ride. The one in the pic was 215lbs and took me over three hours to land, and drug me around five miles of the pacific, another 2 to 3 hours to paddle back to Newport harbor. I do have it on video, Ill find a way to post it on here.
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-11-18
Location : Hewitt

Coast To Coast Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coast To Coast   Coast To Coast EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 2:00 pm

wont let me post link sorry, ill send the link to addmin to post

I posted this the day after it was cought, In the vid I posted that it weighd about 170lbs, one month later I got the average offical weight from all the measurements we took, being 215 lbs. The only reason we thought to send in the measurements was because the dip shits at the scale didnt know how to zero it out, the scale said 170lbs with the shark on it, the scale said -52lbs with no weight on the scale.
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