Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch The-ka11
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 Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch

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Philly Steve

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Join date : 2011-10-24
Location : Lansdale PA

Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty
PostSubject: Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch   Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch EmptyTue Nov 22, 2011 3:25 pm

After a night of total feasting, I'm planning to get up around 3am and make the two hour trip down to CapeMay. Planning to launch at Bordon's Food Launch just prior to first light and go tubing/jigging in the am for stripers/blues. After my arms get tired, I'm planning to anchor up behind the south jetty rocks and go for Tog. New Moon, sun with temps in the high 50s with low winds - what a better way to work off all that turkey and stuffing. If anyone would like to join me, I'd love to have some company. See you there!

Philly Steve
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Age : 53
Location : Cape May, New Jersey

Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch   Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch EmptyTue Nov 22, 2011 3:31 pm

A few of us are planning to use the same ramp, at the same time, and we even have the same plan!

Welcome to the site and I look forward to wetting a line with you Fri. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Philly Steve

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Join date : 2011-10-24
Location : Lansdale PA

Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch   Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch EmptyTue Nov 22, 2011 7:43 pm

Awesome - can't wait!
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Join date : 2011-08-24

Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch   Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch EmptyThu Nov 24, 2011 8:01 pm

Good luck tomorrow guys....gonna try to head out Sat. night if anyone still has the itch!!!
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

Posts : 1229
Join date : 2009-12-10
Age : 53
Location : Cape May, New Jersey

Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch   Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch EmptyThu Nov 24, 2011 10:55 pm

Our plans were moved from Fri to Sat and Sun. If you guys go, catch em up and post pics!!!
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Philly Steve

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-10-24
Location : Lansdale PA

Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch   Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 9:52 pm

Went out Friday morning. Timed the currents perfectly wrong. Fought the strong incoming tide through the CapeMay inlet to get out to the ocean. Turned south to tube, and man it was rough. Didn't get too far and decided to anchor up to the south side of the south jetty. Again, too rough - couldn't get the anchor to hold, so went to the inlet side of of the south jetty, much calmer. Anchor held and picked up 3 nice size Tog on real light tackle and green crab - what a blast! My light rod was bent in a U with the tip under the water for all three. Largest was about 19 inches and fat. Then it took me over an hour to fight the outgoing tide back to the launch site - thought about waiting it out, but wanted to catch some of the LSU - Arkansas game - I'm a huge LSU fan. Although a challenging day, a good day. Ate the catch Friday nite - simply delicious!

Hope you guys had some good luck on Saturday nite!
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Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch   Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch Empty

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Friday 11/25 Bordons Food Launch
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