I've been lucky.......haven't lost too much.....or at least stuff I noticed being gone. I tend to try to find some slightly less expensive equipment, or at least stuff that's designed with saltwater in mind. Usually try to keep it around $100 for the combo. Just bought a penn fierce spinning reel. $60 and impressed for the price. Smooth, quiet, tough. LOL in about a month since I bought it's been both dunked and ejected from a rod holder while driving. Dinged up from the little spill onto the road it took but still works perfect.
The reason for the cheaper gear is only partially due to the higher risk of losing it, but even sitting in the rod holders my reels are constantly getting splashed and banged around. Doesn't hurt as much as a $200 reel only lasting a few years.
Your gear is fine for fluke. Actually just about ideal. For fluking in the back all you need is something that's capable of drifting up to an ounce for the most part.