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 Scupper vs bottom kayak cart

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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyMon May 28, 2012 8:56 am

Was interested in what you guys have to say. I built a cart out of pvc and used it to lug around my 10 foot kayak for a while but now I have a 15 ft prowler and was interested in modifying the cart to fit in the scuppers. I was told by some people that using the scuppers will distort them and cause leaks? Is this true? I see Hobie has a cart that you put through the scuppers, but is Hobie's scuppers reinforced or something? Any input would be great!
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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyTue May 29, 2012 8:25 am

I dont have a scupper cart but the ones I have seen it seems like more of a two man operation. just my perspective.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyTue May 29, 2012 4:06 pm

AA, this is one of those questions that will have strong opinions on both sides. I had Hobies for years and used the scupper cart. I liked it just fine. Problem was that to put the cart in the scupper you either; rolled the kayak onto its side (dumping everything) or asked a buddy to help you. That buddy is usually a guy with a C-Tug or similar type and is done loading his kayak already.

Scupper carts can rub, bounce and chaff a hole into the scupper, but its rare. Guys maligning the cart and slamming the kayak down is usually to blame for the failures.

Having said all of that, I'm a C-Tug or regular cart fan. As long as it has a kickstand you can load your yak with ease. Nothing wrong with homemade carts either. Tires though, are important. Only get balloon tires if you launch from soft sand OFTEN, or are rich. LOL. Airless tires are my new favorite and work on ALL TERRAINS. Note though that they are not great in soft sand. $22 each!!! [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Hope this helps
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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyTue May 29, 2012 7:10 pm

I agree with Rob and SJ.
When I brought my Tarpon 120, there were some issues with leaks occurring where the scupper hole is.
Luckily I have never had any leaks, and I have never used a scupper cart.
I've been using a homemade pvc cart the whole time, using wheels I got from Northern Tool, I have had one blow out, and did break my cart earlier this year. That one was my fault.
SJ is right about the sand and balloon tires, they are the only ones that really work well on the sand.
That being said, I'm cheap and have only been using the pneumatic 10' tires and have gotten by.
I have checked out the ones at the Kayakfishing Store, I'll probably pick up a pair of those for the cart were building for my son, no blowouts on those.
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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyTue May 29, 2012 8:42 pm

as sj said ,, had them all ,, now i have a c-tug,, what an awsome cart
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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyWed May 30, 2012 12:35 am

Thanks for the info guys I think I won't do the scupper holes then being that sometimes I lug the yak around quite a bit through trails to get to some lakes. Now for the sand....Guess I have to man up and throw it over my shoulder, until I can afford those sand wheels.
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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyThu May 31, 2012 5:01 pm

I have a scupper cart, pros and cons. The biggest pro is that it's small and can fit in the front hatch of my revolution if I take the wheels off (easily done). Usually I just put it in from the top, and leave the wheels in the air. takes up like no room. The cons that come to mind first were already mentioned, one, possibly wearing a hole through the scupper or stressing them so they crack. Hobie actually recommends the scupper style cart though. The other thing that's a pain is that you have to roll the yak on its side to put the cart in at teh end of the day unless you can find something to prop it up on. I always try to do it the lazy way, with all my stuff still on deck and hopefully don't dump it. Usually I dump it. The other thing not mentioned before, is you build the cart and it can usually only be used in one place, so you can't adjust it for balance.

The other thing that's nice about it is no straps. If you're able to put it on by propping it up, like when it's hanging out of the back of my truck, it's really nice to be able to just put the yak on the cart and go, and not worry about straps, or the cart slipping.

I'm in Riverside, BTW. have a few local spots to fish if you want to get together one day.
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Scupper vs bottom kayak cart Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scupper vs bottom kayak cart   Scupper vs bottom kayak cart EmptyThu May 31, 2012 11:10 pm

@ clamboni Yea would be great to meet up , thanks for the info on the cart I decided to rig one up will post pics when I get a chance tried it out today @ OC and with gear on it on the am i tired.... Not sure if the 3 mile paddle tired me out or if it was pulling the yak with gear through the have to sleep have three 12 hour shifts in a row now...
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