Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing

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The Kayak Fishing Store ..........501 Ocean Drive, North Wildwood, NJ......... The largest selection of accessories in Southern NJ!!!!!!! ..............609.522.5969.....................
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May 31 Corson's Inlet The-ka11
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 May 31 Corson's Inlet

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Join date : 2012-05-28
Age : 39
Location : Blackwood

May 31 Corson's Inlet Empty
PostSubject: May 31 Corson's Inlet   May 31 Corson's Inlet EmptyMon May 28, 2012 5:15 pm

Was told by the mailman that on Bay Ave on the way to Strathmere there is a boat ramp to the left. Was thinking about hitting it up Thursday and giving it a try. Will check it out tomorrow have to go down to AC and was gonna hit up Finatics to get my St Croix guide repaired and scope out the spot to see what it looks like. Anyone launch from there before?
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Join date : 2012-04-24
Location : 12/21

May 31 Corson's Inlet Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 31 Corson's Inlet   May 31 Corson's Inlet EmptyTue May 29, 2012 3:46 pm

I have once last fall it was only my second time out on my yak caught a bunch of small blues. current really was ripping thru there that day. good luck! God Luck
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Join date : 2011-08-24

May 31 Corson's Inlet Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 31 Corson's Inlet   May 31 Corson's Inlet EmptyTue May 29, 2012 8:49 pm

Nice easy launch into the bay, go left towards Whale Creek from ramp. Right will take you to the inlet...careful of the current. If you want to get right into the inlet, launch at the bridge on the left.
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215kayak angleR

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May 31 Corson's Inlet Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 31 Corson's Inlet   May 31 Corson's Inlet EmptyTue May 29, 2012 10:13 pm

Striper fished there last week be careful around the big bridge the current gets nasty and st low tide there's hidden sand bars threw the inlet . the fishings good there I'm down there usually once week
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Posts : 52
Join date : 2012-05-28
Age : 39
Location : Blackwood

May 31 Corson's Inlet Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 31 Corson's Inlet   May 31 Corson's Inlet EmptyWed May 30, 2012 12:14 am

Scoped it out today had to drop of my rod to Finatics to repair rod guide gonna take them 7 days because its a St. Croix... Looked good was nasty out today real windy, fishing from shore hooked up with one blue fish 23 inches and my buddy hooked up with a striper using clams on the Longport Bridge area, didn't get a chance to measure it, it was definitely short. Saw one guy land a skate and that's it. Gonna definitely hit it up Thursday with my brother in law. Headed out to Berlin area tomorrow to hit up some lakes with the yak. Will let you know how it turns out.
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May 31 Corson's Inlet Empty
PostSubject: Re: May 31 Corson's Inlet   May 31 Corson's Inlet Empty

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May 31 Corson's Inlet
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