Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing

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The Kayak Fishing Store ..........501 Ocean Drive, North Wildwood, NJ......... The largest selection of accessories in Southern NJ!!!!!!! ..............609.522.5969.....................
The Kayak Fishing Store
Great Egg Harbor Bay The-ka11
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 Great Egg Harbor Bay

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Posts : 52
Join date : 2012-05-28
Age : 39
Location : Blackwood

Great Egg Harbor Bay Empty
PostSubject: Great Egg Harbor Bay   Great Egg Harbor Bay EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 8:16 pm

Hit up OC again. Stopped by Finatics and picked up four clams and headed out. Launched from the Longport bridge on the left again. I like the spot ... ( only spot wife will tolerate ) I drop all the gear off on the beach and set it up, get my daughters toys in gear and set up chair for my wife so she can hang out with my son . Then I was ready to hit the water. Paddled out to the first island out in the bay right next to the 9th st bridge was a real hike this time but I'm actually not hurting so bad this time. I ended up catching 7 sandsharks 18 in to 37 in. Biggest one for me yet. I hooked up with 3 bass . All fish were released, to lazy to fillet .Then I ran out of bait...I hit the water at around 1130 and got off the water at 330. Was a good time, but definitely have to find new spots to try out. Maybe I'll switch over for some flukes doesn't seem the bass are hitting to good anymore... Any suggestions on launches guys? and father's day can't come soon enough been telling wife about go pro all the way down to OC today ! haha she was like if you don't shutup about that dam camera !! lmao ! If I buy it she will get upset but if she buys it then its a whole new ball game. In the end its my $ spent anyway.

Last edited by AnglingAddict on Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 97
Join date : 2012-04-26
Age : 57
Location : Cherry Hill, NJ

Great Egg Harbor Bay Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great Egg Harbor Bay   Great Egg Harbor Bay EmptyMon Jun 04, 2012 8:55 am

" In the end its my $ spent anyway"

Isn't that funny how that is?????
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