Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Bridge on the right on GSP South The-ka11
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 Bridge on the right on GSP South

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215kayak angleR
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Bridge on the right on GSP South Empty
PostSubject: Bridge on the right on GSP South   Bridge on the right on GSP South EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 9:25 pm

Went down to Cape May Zoo today with the family and I noticed this long bridge on the right after paying the $1.50 toll for Little Egg Harbor. It seemed pretty long and as I was driving I was thinking of paddling along that bridge and fishing the pilings. Anyone have any experience with it? Looked like there was a parking area on one side of it. Definitely something to check out.
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215kayak angleR

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Bridge on the right on GSP South Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bridge on the right on GSP South   Bridge on the right on GSP South EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 9:32 pm

I believe u are referring 2 the Old rt 9 bridge u can launch from the beach at the end of rt 9 I'd be down to fish it with ya never heard of anything productive ther some fluke and stripers! Let me know!
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Bridge on the right on GSP South Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bridge on the right on GSP South   Bridge on the right on GSP South EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 9:32 pm

Clamboni is prob the best guy to answer this, but yes its a fishy area. Pretty sure they call that the Beesley's Point Bridge. You can park in that lot next to the Tuckahoe Inn and launch. The current moves pretty good through there so you need to pay attention. I've fished there a few times at night and it seems to always be holding something. Hope this helps. Good luck and be safe!
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Bridge on the right on GSP South Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bridge on the right on GSP South   Bridge on the right on GSP South EmptyWed Jun 06, 2012 7:15 pm

Fished there a couple of times early this spring for bass. Nice launch at the boat ramp or beach (before the crowds arrive) with ample lit parking lot.

Couple of things to keep in mind:
1- Beesley's Point Sea Doo and jetski rental is on the west side of the bridge. That area probably sucks after 9:00am on weekends with the jetski traffic.

2- As Chris said, the current does rip through there at times so watch the tides. The channel was fishable during slack tides but it was very difficult to hold position once the tide started to run. There is a ton of debris and structure under the old Rt. 9 bridge which is probably holding fish.

After looking at the deteriorated condition of the old bridge, I really wasn't keen on spending a lot of time under it. I kept picturing the old bridge falling and the newpaper headlines reading, "Bridge squishes kayker". But that just me.

I'd definately give it another shot if I could catch the tides right during the "off" hours.

Good Luck!
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Bridge on the right on GSP South Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bridge on the right on GSP South   Bridge on the right on GSP South EmptyThu Jan 31, 2013 3:57 pm

Lots of fish in that area. The only thing I have not caught is Tog. Thats only because I have not fished for them. Between Memorial and Labor Days I only go out at night due to the jet skiers. They have no respect on the water for anglers so I just stay away. when the water is rippen in the channel stay off to the ends .

Last edited by waterbug on Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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capt. camo

capt. camo

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Bridge on the right on GSP South Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bridge on the right on GSP South   Bridge on the right on GSP South EmptyFri Feb 01, 2013 7:37 pm

They are trying to remove drag island access WTF and take down the old bridge.
So here is a petition link to try to save access:
Hope you all can sign cause every little spot we have is getting more tougher to keep, we should all be fighting for this! Smile
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Bridge on the right on GSP South Empty
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