Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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 Register Kayak in NJ

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Age : 39
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PostSubject: Register Kayak in NJ   Register Kayak in NJ EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 11:51 am

Anyone ever register a kayak in NJ? Have an old Sears trolling motor in the corner not doing anything and was thinking of making a bracket for my Prowler 15. Don't have a title for the yak or certificate of origin. Bought it off a guy from another kayak group.
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PostSubject: Re: Register Kayak in NJ   Register Kayak in NJ EmptyThu Aug 09, 2012 10:36 pm

You need to contact the kayak manufacturer and have them send you a certificate of origin. Take that to DMV to register. God Luck
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Register Kayak in NJ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Register Kayak in NJ   Register Kayak in NJ EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 7:29 pm

The DMV in West Deptford told me that you also need a bill of sale. I just tried this a few weeks back and could not get it done. I have the MSO from Bell Haven Padle Sports, but they would not accept the sales reciept since it did not have the HIN# on it. BHP said they would help me out but I haven't had the chance to get there.

Items needed as per WD DMV:
1-Bill of Sale
2-Manufaturers Certificate of Origin
3-Boaters Safety Certificate
5-First Born Child
God Luck
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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PostSubject: Re: Register Kayak in NJ   Register Kayak in NJ EmptyTue Aug 14, 2012 7:34 pm

I have registered my EK's and it's a PITA as stated above. Even WITH the right documents. Every time I'm in the MVA, I have to teach the staff how to register a kayak. For you, it might be easier to pencil trace the HIN# and apply to State Police for title. I don't know exactly how this is done. I have buddies that build boats and this is how they get them titled and registered.
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PostSubject: Re: Register Kayak in NJ   Register Kayak in NJ EmptyTue Aug 14, 2012 10:17 pm

Emailed OC they are sending me the Certificate of Origin. Now once I get that I will try DMV, and see how it goes... if not then I will go the route of copy HIN # and going to state police.
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Posts : 92
Join date : 2011-07-03
Age : 53
Location : Mantua, NJ

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PostSubject: Re: Register Kayak in NJ   Register Kayak in NJ EmptySat Oct 13, 2012 12:51 pm


At long last, I finally convinced the DMV to register my kayak.

All it took was a notarized bill of sale, the right people at the DMV and $149 bucks. One note; if you tell them that it is over 12 feet in length, they will make you get a title for it. (use your best judgement here). Now that it is done, I have a full fledged boat title for my PA. I guess this might make it easier to sell down the road.

The funny thing is that last week they told me to bring by boaters safey certificate (not the wallet sized card) and today they did not even ask for it. It must depend on who is working that day.

Good luck to those that try!
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