Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing

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The Kayak Fishing Store ..........501 Ocean Drive, North Wildwood, NJ......... The largest selection of accessories in Southern NJ!!!!!!! ..............609.522.5969.....................
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fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. The-ka11
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 fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..

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215kayak angleR

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Location : Philly

fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. EmptyTue May 21, 2013 5:00 pm

-Gonna head South monday morning or late sunday night to Va, the plan is to either camp at kiptopeke, or bring my camping gear in the yak and camp out on the easten shore, my primary goal is to hunt ReD drum, sightcasting and if that's not successful ancor up in the shoals and pitch live crabs into the shoals.. If the weather is as nice as forecasted a truip to Latimer Shoal might also be in the plans for stripers and blak / Drum...... Anyone wanna join me give me a buzz 610- 507- 0429....
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Age : 57
Location : Cherry Hill, NJ

fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. EmptyWed May 22, 2013 12:59 pm

I was looking for a drool emoticon but couldn't find it......
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215kayak angleR

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Location : Philly

fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. EmptyWed May 22, 2013 6:37 pm

)Ey!! Whatever does that mean??
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Age : 57
Location : Cherry Hill, NJ

fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. EmptyWed May 22, 2013 11:28 pm

that I would love to go to would be a great trip!I have too much going on but have fun!
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215kayak angleR

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Location : Philly

fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. EmptyThu May 23, 2013 10:09 am

Ow emoticon, LoL one of those symbol things, I'm computer slow man I can barely log into this website.... Thanx, hopefully it will be the first of many trips this year..
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Squid Lips

Squid Lips

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fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. EmptyThu May 30, 2013 8:38 am

...on my bucket list for sure. So when are you planning on going there again?
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215kayak angleR

Posts : 64
Join date : 2012-05-29
Location : Philly

fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. EmptyFri May 31, 2013 8:50 am

Didn't go last week, stayed in del and tried for blak drum I want to maybe try and go next week looks like wen thurs fri might be a good window!! If u wanna go let me know!! 610 507 0429.. I'm gonna camp on mockhorn island probally do an overnighter maybe 2..
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fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..   fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip.. Empty

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fisherman/Smith Islands.......... Memorial day Trip..
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