Hi all as promised The Dates for CKFJ will be June 28 and 29 A non mandatory Captains meeting will take place at Healy's Haven in the Roscoe Campsites at 7pm on Friday the 27th.
1. No person will be entered in the CKFJ without first signing a waiver.
2. The contest will begin at 6 am on the 28th till dark and continue at 6 am on 29th till 1 pm. All fish enter for consideration must be entered by 1pm on the 29 at the Roscoe Campsites.
3. Dinner and awards will follow ASAP
As most of you know that the kayaks must be washed before entering Pepacton property. Well surprise the Roscoe Campsites is now a certified wash station. The wash forms can be fill in advance by downloaded it at
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] it is strongly recommended that you make use of this service to save time during the contest.
The Roscoe Campsite owner (Scott Conley) has kindly offered free washes and a campsite with the paid registration fee of $60.00.
Since this is a 2 day event and some guys may want to keep their kayak at the reservoir over night so they can get out early Sunday morning we are arranging overnight security for the launch at Pepacton.
I will have a website up in a few days for the waiver forms and other details. The Charity will be announced on the website.
Jamboree, dinner, t-shirt, kayak wash and camping for $60.00
I believe that this is the best deal we could come up with and those of you that were with us last year can attest to the fishing.
Tight Lines
Frank H.