Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 The-ka11
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 Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011

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capt. camo
SJ Fish Whisperer
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyFri Feb 04, 2011 8:12 am

One of the best events all year, Jamaica Bay will be hosted again this year by Captain Kayak and proceeds will be going to Casting for Recovery. The Official link to the event as I know it is

Registration, maps, sponsors, rules, etc are all listed on the site.

We have a lot of people from JCKF going up this year for their first time. Those that have been there in the past should post what they can to help the new folks. (Stuff we learned the hard way, like sleeping on concrete LOL)
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: JBay maps   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyFri Feb 04, 2011 8:28 am

On the Jamaica Bay site, there is a Google map that has been added to help everyone get a better a better understanding of the area. None of the information contained in this post can be considered spot burning as these areas are well documented on several sites. I have added yellow smiley face to the area that I have done well in for the last few years. The secret spots will be visited by us once we are there, but they are not listed here.

Official JBay Google map;
Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Joey_j10

My Smileys;
Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Joey_j11

JBay Chart;
Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Jbay_c10
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Bait and Tackle   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyFri Feb 04, 2011 8:37 am

Kayak Carl Tube-N-Worms are highly recommended. Approx 80% of the people fishing this event will be using his burgundy or pink worms.
Carl's website is He will also be selling his lures at the tournament if you want to save on shipping.

If you are fishing tubes, folks will tip them with two inches of Sand Worm. These are like our Blood Worm, but much bigger and much MEANER! Just ask Lunchbox. LOL We usually put an order together and call it in to the shop up there or someone picks them up for us. They don not sell them in south NJ. On average we go through 2 dozen each and the cost is under $10 per dozen.

Bucktails and plugs also work well.

30" - 36" Bluefish are an all day, wear you out event. 24" to 40" Stripers are regulars as well. Last year the Weakfish didn't show, but the Weakies are what this tourney is known for. In years before last, 10 pound Weakies were a COMMON catch. Can you imagine?
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Camping at JBay   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyFri Feb 04, 2011 9:00 am

There are two small patches of grass that are taken quite quickly. One patch is mowed and cleared by the members of the Wolpack, and we all respect their area. Chances are that if you do not have an RV or the like, you will be tenting it on concrete as this is an old WWII air strip. I'd recommend bringing empty buckets that you can fill with water to hold your tent down, cinder blocks are NOT enough weight. Many guys will park their truck tires on the tent.

Port-o-potties - There a some provided by the event. Last year dozens of people all sponsored their own. These were shared by everyone there, we just decorated them with our club names for fun. I recommend that JCKF sponsor one. Should be $10 to $20 bucks each.

Showers - There aren't any and no running water of any kind. I used the portable solar showers from Walmart for a couple of years. They hold 5 gallons of water and cost $7. They work fine for a Navy Bath.

Sleeping - Cots, air matts, etc are a must. You will be sleeping on concrete. If you plan to use heaters of any kind, make sure you don't use the wrong type and cook the air out on yourself. You'll wake up dead!

Fire - No open fires of any kind except BBQ's etc

Cooking - Many people have camping stoves.

Electric - AIN'T NONE! There are some generators and most guys won't mind you plugging in to charge a phone or VHF. Bring an extention cord if you'll need to be borrowing power.

This event has always been about having a good time. Everyone shares everything. There are a couple of mooches that prey on that hospitality, but I guess that comes with human nature.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyThu Mar 24, 2011 10:42 am

Capt Jerry, KFM and Dee are looking for potty sponsorships like last year and are asking groups of 18 to chip in $10 each. Please post up if you are willing to sponsor or help to sponsor a potty. Last year was awesome having so many around. Feel free to post here or email me at to be added to the list.
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptySat Mar 26, 2011 10:14 pm

i am in for 10$
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capt. camo

capt. camo

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 10:43 pm

Chris, You can put me on the list also.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 11:31 pm

You've got it Tom.

They're already catching fish up there. We have to keep up with Captiva and the rest of KFA. I'm looking forward to seeing them all and doing a little chop busting. I don't know all of those guys yet, but the ones I do are good guys. This'll be a great year for JBay and the mini Kayak War!
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Porta-pot roll call   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyWed Mar 30, 2011 11:33 pm

Porta-pot roll call

Spinfisher Bob
Kickin Tail
Capt Camo
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyThu Mar 31, 2011 7:05 pm

are we getting our own crapper this year??????????????????
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyThu Mar 31, 2011 9:28 pm

We need 18 people at $10 each or $180 for a crapper and even then, it's not our own. I pm'ed everyone to mail a $10 check to our Wolfpack buddy Seaflea. If you want in, please let me know soon and I'll pm you Seaflea's information. $10 beats the hell out of a 5 gallon bucket for 4 days! I think we'll hit the 18 mark. Might need a few more.

We have to ask the fellas if we can hang a JCKF banner with the Wolfpack pooper decor.
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyThu Mar 31, 2011 10:12 pm

works for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyFri Apr 01, 2011 10:28 am

Im' In.... If you promise that those smiley faces on the map are not places that you got skunked.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyFri Apr 01, 2011 4:37 pm

LOL. No, they are the well known holes that produce. There are a few hiding spots too. With over 300 kayakers in an area its hard to sneak over to them without being followed. I'll PM you info!
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyTue Apr 19, 2011 6:00 am

New Potty List. Last Call!

Spinfisher Bob
Kickin Tail
Capt Camo
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyTue Apr 19, 2011 3:03 pm

Still waiting for that PM.......
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyTue Apr 19, 2011 4:04 pm

I'll get it back out to everyone. I couldn't remember who I sent the address to and who I didn't. I'm losing it. LOL
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptySun May 01, 2011 7:39 pm

Generators have been put on campground hours. We can only run them from 8am until 10pm. People using EK's should consider buying additional batteries prior to the event. I don't know how long it will take to fully charge a Group 24/178 min battery by generator. Could be the same 4 -5 hrs as with shore power, I don't know. Cabela's has batteries on sale for $154.00.
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptySun May 08, 2011 7:12 pm

3 days and a wake up and its j-bay time ,,,,,,, GAME ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyMon May 09, 2011 7:46 pm

Let's put together an info thread.

I plan to fish Artificial Electric Kayak Division this year so I won't be using bait. Maybe some of you can put your cash together and buy a flat of sandworms. This way you all save $$$ and only one person needs to make the stop at Bernie's.

Bernies Tackle
3035 Emmons Ave
Brooklyn NY 11235

Getting there
The guide below should help you determine if you can use your pickup, van or other truck on New York City's parkway system.

Pickup trucks and vans are permitted on controlled-access parkways under the following conditions:

They must have passenger car plates.
They must be used only for non-commercial purposes.
They must have an empty (unladen) weight of 5,500 pounds or less.

All other trucks that do not meet the conditions above are not permitted on controlled-access parkways. This restriction includes moving vans, trucks and trailers.

All vehicles (including passenger cars) with trailers or cargo carried on the roof are not permitted on parkways in New York State.

Vehicles with "combination" plates from other states are not permitted on parkways in New York State.


Does the tournament site have an address I can put into my GPS
Yes, 3159 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234

How can I get to the event with a camper or trailer? LIE to Woodhaven blvd. and take it south over the Cross bay bridge (pay toll) then take Beach channel West/right to Marine Park Bridge (pay toll)..Park is right after bridge on right.

Are generators allowed in the camping area? Yes, but at 10pm they must be turned off and not started again to 5am

Will there be any electrical to recharge things like cameras and fishfinder batteries? No, it is a good idea to have a car chargers for anything you might need to charge.

Do I need a New York State Fishing permit?
This year there is no fishing permit needed.

Do I need any special permits to take part in the event?
As long as you’re a paid participant you do not need a launching permit. Your car pass will given to you at registration and it will need to be displayed in car window at all times.

Do I have to wear a PFD while on the water?
Yes! You also need a whistle or other sounding device.

Are non-fishing participants allowed at the event?
There is a non-fishing registration fee $55

What is the camping site like?
Many people camp in the small wooded area next to the parking lot but space is limited and many chose to set up a tent on the pavement next to their vehicle, an inflatable mattress might be a good thing to bring. Also, some heavy items to hold the tent is a good idea.

Is my gear going to be safe?
We have not had any incidents in the past but common sense should be used when leaving your stuff unattended.

Can I bring my camper?
Campers and pop-up trailers are allowed. When traveling on NY roads avoid all parkways but trailers are allowed on expressways.

Are there any hotels near by?
Yes, the closest is the Comfort Inn located at 3218 Emmons Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11235 - 718-368-3334

When does the event officially start?
The actual tournament is on Friday 12noon(after 11am captains meeting - recommended) to 6pm, Saturday 5:30am to 7pm, Sunday 5:30am to 11am, but many people start coming in and fishing as early as Thursday morning.

Do I have to attend the Captain’s Meeting?
We strongly recommend you attend the meeting but it is not mandatory.

Is there shopping near the campground?
Yes, just turn right outside the park and follow down to Flatbush Ave and you find many stores and restaurants. There is a Radio Shack for electronics and many places to get ice.

Are there any tackle shops near by?
Yes, Cross Bay Tackle at 16426 Crossbay Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11414-3742 and Bernie’s Bait & Tackle, located at Sheepshead Bay at 3035 Emmons Ave.

I am not familiar with the Jamaica Bay and don’t really know where to fish, can someone give me some help as to where to go?
Sure, just speak to one of the tournament staff and they can show you on a chart, but most of the time you will be able to see where many of the other fisherman are going and you can an idea. At both Captain’s meetings on Friday there will be a presentation on fishing JBay. Geography, how to fish, winds, tides and safety will be covered as well as an opportunity to ask questions. We recommend that you fish with a buddy. If you do not have one, see Joey or Jerry and they will help to set you up with one. There is a map on this site that you should print out and bring with you to the event.

Are there bathrooms?
Yes, we will have 10 Porta-Johns at the event.

Are there showers at the campground?
We wish! Bring jugs of water for drinking. We suggest also bringing hand sanitizer and wipes to stay fresh.

Can I drink alcohol at the event?
Alcohol is not permitted anywhere in the park.

Do I have to be present for the raffle drawing to win prizes?
Yes, you will have to be present or pass your ticket to a friend to claim your prize.

Can I keep any fish that I catch?
You can keep any legal fish but any fish kept during the competition cannot be counted toward prizes.

If I have an emergency on the water what should I do?

We monitor Channel #6 or you can call this number (631) 484-0806
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

Posts : 1229
Join date : 2009-12-10
Age : 53
Location : Cape May, New Jersey

Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyMon May 09, 2011 9:16 pm

SJ Fish Whisperer wrote:
Let's put together an info thread.

I plan to fish Artificial Electric Kayak Division this year so I won't be using bait. Maybe some of you can put your cash together and buy a flat of sandworms. This way you all save $$$ and only one person needs to make the stop at Bernie's.

Bernies Tackle
3035 Emmons Ave
Brooklyn NY 11235

Getting there
The guide below should help you determine if you can use your pickup, van or other truck on New York City's parkway system.

Pickup trucks and vans are permitted on controlled-access parkways under the following conditions:

They must have passenger car plates.
They must be used only for non-commercial purposes.
They must have an empty (unladen) weight of 5,500 pounds or less.

All other trucks that do not meet the conditions above are not permitted on controlled-access parkways. This restriction includes moving vans, trucks and trailers.

All vehicles (including passenger cars) with trailers or cargo carried on the roof are not permitted on parkways in New York State.

Vehicles with "combination" plates from other states are not permitted on parkways in New York State.

Directions from FD Kev NY;
You can take the first exit off the VZ 92 st. cont. on service road to 86 st.make a right. (your at 10 ave) go all the way down 86th street till you get to Avenue U make a left.take ave. U to flatbush ave and make a right. Flatbush ave take you to-Floyd Bennett Field. I would recommend trying to get down 86 St. early in the am or latter at night as it is a major shopping street. Also if you want a great slice of square pizza stop at L&B Spomi gardens. Its on 86th street


Does the tournament site have an address I can put into my GPS
Yes, 3159 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234

How can I get to the event with a camper or trailer? LIE to Woodhaven blvd. and take it south over the Cross bay bridge (pay toll) then take Beach channel West/right to Marine Park Bridge (pay toll)..Park is right after bridge on right.

Are generators allowed in the camping area? Yes, but at 10pm they must be turned off and not started again to 5am

Will there be any electrical to recharge things like cameras and fishfinder batteries? No, it is a good idea to have a car chargers for anything you might need to charge.

Do I need a New York State Fishing permit?
This year there is no fishing permit needed.

Do I need any special permits to take part in the event?
As long as you’re a paid participant you do not need a launching permit. Your car pass will given to you at registration and it will need to be displayed in car window at all times.

Do I have to wear a PFD while on the water?
Yes! You also need a whistle or other sounding device.

Are non-fishing participants allowed at the event?
There is a non-fishing registration fee $55

What is the camping site like?
Many people camp in the small wooded area next to the parking lot but space is limited and many chose to set up a tent on the pavement next to their vehicle, an inflatable mattress might be a good thing to bring. Also, some heavy items to hold the tent is a good idea.

Is my gear going to be safe?
We have not had any incidents in the past but common sense should be used when leaving your stuff unattended.

Can I bring my camper?
Campers and pop-up trailers are allowed. When traveling on NY roads avoid all parkways but trailers are allowed on expressways.

Are there any hotels near by?
Yes, the closest is the Comfort Inn located at 3218 Emmons Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11235 - 718-368-3334

When does the event officially start?
The actual tournament is on Friday 12noon(after 11am captains meeting - recommended) to 6pm, Saturday 5:30am to 7pm, Sunday 5:30am to 11am, but many people start coming in and fishing as early as Thursday morning.

Do I have to attend the Captain’s Meeting?
We strongly recommend you attend the meeting but it is not mandatory.

Is there shopping near the campground?
Yes, just turn right outside the park and follow down to Flatbush Ave and you find many stores and restaurants. There is a Radio Shack for electronics and many places to get ice.

Are there any tackle shops near by?
Yes, Cross Bay Tackle at 16426 Crossbay Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11414-3742 and Bernie’s Bait & Tackle, located at Sheepshead Bay at 3035 Emmons Ave.

I am not familiar with the Jamaica Bay and don’t really know where to fish, can someone give me some help as to where to go?
Sure, just speak to one of the tournament staff and they can show you on a chart, but most of the time you will be able to see where many of the other fisherman are going and you can an idea. At both Captain’s meetings on Friday there will be a presentation on fishing JBay. Geography, how to fish, winds, tides and safety will be covered as well as an opportunity to ask questions. We recommend that you fish with a buddy. If you do not have one, see Joey or Jerry and they will help to set you up with one. There is a map on this site that you should print out and bring with you to the event.

Are there bathrooms?
Yes, we will have 10 Porta-Johns at the event.

Are there showers at the campground?
We wish! Bring jugs of water for drinking. We suggest also bringing hand sanitizer and wipes to stay fresh.

Can I drink alcohol at the event?
Alcohol is not permitted anywhere in the park.

Do I have to be present for the raffle drawing to win prizes?
Yes, you will have to be present or pass your ticket to a friend to claim your prize.

Can I keep any fish that I catch?
You can keep any legal fish but any fish kept during the competition cannot be counted toward prizes.

If I have an emergency on the water what should I do?

We monitor Channel #6 or you can call this number (631) 484-0806
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyTue May 10, 2011 11:31 am

thanx for posting that info,,,, good to have it on the site,,, oh yea thurs morning is coming fast ,, see ya there ,, ITS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG Nugget Kick Nugget Kick Nugget Kick Poke Poke Poke Aargh Aargh Aargh Muahaha Muahaha Muahaha Muahaha Muahaha Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap Line Snap
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: JBAY results    Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 12:19 pm

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 1:55 pm

Thanks for that link, Chris. I am going to post it on KFA-NY too so we have the complete winner's list.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 1:59 pm

It was nice to finally meet you Captiva! Keep in touch.
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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011   Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011 Empty

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Jamaica Bay, NY May 12th - 15th 2011
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