Fished Oyster Creek at sunrise with Gary (fishenfool). Finally found some fish, but it was definately quantity not quality. I landed close to 20 and Gary did a little better. A few blues were mixed in. The biggest of the day went around 18in. I got a double-one on the plug and one on the teaser, that laid end to end still wouldn't have been a keeper! These little terrors were fatter than I've ever seen! I'm suprised they had room for the artificials. Just set up my trout ultralight for tomorrow. HIGHLIGHT of day-Gary had a lil bass yank his rod out of his hand. I could see the anguish on his face! I tried to cast across his line to snag his rig but was interrupted TWICE by fish tank bass. Third time was the charm. Hooked his line which he followed to the rod end. After I cleared, he landed that Bass. Talk about turning a frown upside down. After being shut out several days, I was more than happy to play with these guys. no points for KW, but big fun