We thought that we should start a thank you thread to the companies that agreed to sponsor our Jamboree. Please take a few minutes to check out there websites or to consider their products. These pics do not do the donations justice. We have only shot quick pics of a few items.
In some cases there are several items to dozens of items that aren't in the pics. There are hundreds more prizes on the way. I will do my best to photo and post them as they are received.
H20 Next Generation Fishing SUP!!!
Flying Fisherman Buffs and Glasses
Ocean Kayak Swag
Buck Knives
Pelagic sent some cool stuff!
Wiley X
Johnson Outdoors
Yak Grips
Kayak Bass Fishing
$300 in Prize $$$
TTI Blakemore
Cascade Creek
Guy Harvey
Polar Bear Coolers
More to follow...........................