Thank you Sen. Jeff Van Drew and those that support the bill. I understand that it has been reported that there is a $1.01 per person or roughly $600.000 price tag on the free registry. If a specialty plate becomes available to offset costs to Fish and Game, I will be first in line to get them. I don't even care for vanity plates, BUT I KNOW WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING!
If and when a plan to charge NJ fisherman for a salt water fishing license resurfaces, I hope that it's a plan that is accountable for where the funds go and who controls those funds. No diversions, or bait and switch tactics. I'd like to see the monies pay for the costs associated with the registry AND fund REAL RESEARCH to better the environment and the fisheries. Without those simple requirements, I hope that any future attempt at cramming something down our throats meets the same end, with people just saying no!