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 Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree

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SJ Fish Whisperer
mullet miller
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mullet miller
mullet miller

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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyWed Jan 16, 2013 4:36 pm

Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree
Heroes On The Water

April 18th-21st, 2013

Jamboree Headquarters;

Susquehanna State Park Campground
4122 Wilkinson Road
Havre de Grace, MD 21078


Bob Miller (aka Mullet Miller) 302.584.3500 [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

In the strictest of terms, this event will not a tournament. I want it to be more of a gathering of friends for the sake of the camaraderie found within this sport. For this reason, we have gone with a Jamboree type of format. Registration fee will be $50.00 per person, and will include Saturday Award Dinner, Event T-shirt and sticker. If you register after March 31, there will be a $25.00 late fee added. Please register early.

The pre-registration deadline is Monday, April 9th, 2013. After that date, registration is still available, but Dinner and t-shirts will become limited due to the need to get final numbers to the caterer and printer. Walk-ins will be accepted during the Captains Meeting or by special arrangement pre agreed to by members of the jamboree committee.

Donations from sponsors will be raffled off to raise money for Heroes On The Water. Many companies donate for the sake of promoting the sport and supporting various charities. These are the companies that we have chosen to align ourselves with in 2013. Please visit their websites’ which are linked on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and show your appreciation.
Ok, what the hell is a Jamboree, right? Same as the 2012 Jamboree. Here is the format…..

A NON-mandatory bon-fire Captain’s Meeting will be held on Friday, April 19th, 2013 at 6pm, at the Susquehanna State Park Campground (Event Headquarters). This meeting will be about general information and we’ll be sharing some up to date hot spots. We’ll open up the sale of raffle tickets and sign up for the Calcutta’s at this time too. We’ll also need to satisfy the traditional good luck toast. Please bring a beverage of your choosing to the meeting.

For bragging rights, and for those with a competitive edge, we will be having some prizes and a few Calcutta’s. Target species will be Striped Bass, Catfish, Large Mouth Bass and Slam. (See Tournament Portion)

We recommend that everyone stay at the Susquehanna State Park Campground. I am working with the Park Director to set up for the event and will have more to post soon.

Campground Website

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Captains Meeting Friday, April 19th at 6pm;
We will be posting all of the info to be discussed at the Captains meeting on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] early Friday for those that can't make it. The Captains meeting is not mandatory, but will have some info on hotspots etc. Check-in will also happen at this time. T-shirts, captains bags, and Calcutta’s will be available.

What is a Calcutta format?
4 Calcutta’s have been added. We will have one for Striper, Catfish, LMB, Slam & Jr Anglers. They are each $5 to enter and have 100% payback. Biggest fish wins the pot. Remember to bring some cash with you to enter the Calcutta's!!! Only registered participants can enter the Calcutta’s.

Saturday Dinner, Calcutta Winners and Raffle
Arrangements for the meal are in the works at this time. We are working with the Havre De Grace Chamber of Commerce to locate an affordable location. We may stick with the State Park Pavilion, but are limited to Daylight Hours there. This will be updated as info becomes available

Tournament Portion;

This is a standard Catch, Photo and Release event. The State of Maryland Catch and Release Season prohibits the harvest of any Striped Bass. The regulations are available at the DNR Website; [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Please familiarize yourself with them, and practice extreme care with these fish when handling.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded for Slam, Striped Bass, Catfish, LMB and Jr Angler (if we have enough juniors registered. While we recommend catch and release, legal fish may be kept for consumption without penalty. Please do not bring fish to be judged. We do not need to see them. Please do not keep any Striped Bass.


Categories; Slam, Striped Bass, Catfish, LMB and Jr Division with 100% Payback

It's simple, put $5 bucks in the hat for a division and the biggest takes the loot. You must be registered for the Jamboree to participate in any of the Calcutta’s.


The "OTHER FISH" can be a LMB or any other species caught by hook and line only.

Participants in the Calcutta’s can only score a fish once. If you enter your fish in the Slam, you cannot enter it into another Calcutta category.

Rules and Regulations;

1. Participation and Eligibility- Participation is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. Minors are eligible to participate with a parent or guardian signature on the release form. A completed participant packet and entry fee must be received no later than 6am, Saturday April 20th unless other terms have been agreed upon by the event director.

2. Registration and Captain’s Meeting- Each participant must register and pay by 6am, April 20th, 2013. Participants’ registration will be open through the captain’s meeting at 6:00 pm – 10pm, Friday, April 19th, and 4:30am – 5:30am, Saturday, Saturday April 20th at The Susquehanna State Park Campground, 4122 Wilkinson Road, Havre de Grace, MD 21078. Attendance at the captain’s meeting is NOT mandatory, but hot spots will be shared freely at the meeting.

3. Rain Date – In the event of poor or dangerous weather conditions the tournament rain date will be Sunday, April 21st, 2012 for the Calcutta’s only, the dinner and raffles will still be held on Saturday, April20th. If the tournament director should cancel the event entirety due to weather, there will not be any refunds as this is a charity event. All prizes will be distributed to participants by way of raffle.

4. Safety and Required Equipment- Safe boating must be observed at all times. Participants are required to comply with US Coast Guard regulations including the possession of US Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD) and a whistle. Handheld signaling device or lights are also mandatory.

5. Sportsmanship- All participants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, and conservation. No alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs are permitted. Non-compliance with tournament rules and regulations are grounds for immediate disqualification and any prizes awarded must be returned.

6. Permitted Fishing Methods- All fish must be caught with a hook and line only. There is no limit to the number of fishing rods. Kayaks may be inspected by tournament officials before, during and after the start of the tournament for PFD, whistle, handheld signaling device or light and enforcement of rules or fairness to others. All crafts must be paddled, pedaled, oared, or electric unless authorized by the tournament director. All fish must be caught from the kayak, no wading.

7. Permitted Fishing Locations- Participants can launch their kayaks at 5am, Saturday, April 20th. Participants can then fish any area they can paddle to within the Susquehanna Flats Fishery Boundaries. Participant’s may not receive assistance from a non-participant boat, the placing of markers, being towed or riding motored vessels, or receiving electronic, voice, or data communication from non-participants. All fishing locations must be in waters accessible according to the law and US Coast Guard and State of Maryland regulations. Participants should consult with locals or the Jamboree staff for launch locations and hot spot recommendations.

8. Digital Camera’s-Each participant must supply their own digital camera with a removable SD card or like storage card, or necessary wiring with USB plug to download photos for judging. Cameras will not be issued by SFKFJ. 1st photo on your camera must be of you, the participant holding your identifier. The 2nd photo must be of your kayak at the time of launch on the day of the event.

9. Scoring- SFKFJ will use a Catch, Photo & Release scoring system determined by the length of each fish (measured nose to fork in tail). Photos of fish to be scored will have to be taken with a measuring device. No bringing fish to weigh-in for measurement; photos must be taken from your kayak or safe location with your kayak and identifier in each photo. Each participant will be issued an identifier and a score card at the Captain’s meeting. Fill out your score card and turn it in to tournament officials as well as your digital camera memory card by Saturday, April 20th at 3:00PM sharp or your fish will not be scored. Please put your name or initials on your memory stick. Participants will get their memory stick back after tournament officials download pictures of fish. SFKFJ has the right to use any tournament photos at their discretion. Ties will be broken by the time the photos are submitted for judging. First fish to be scored will be named the winner.

If we experience slow action on the day of the event we will judge by closest to the Slam. (Any combo of above or even a single species) If there are no entries in a category, the prizes and Calcutta will be given away by special raffle.

10. Check In- Check in will begin at 12:00PM at Tournament Headquarters on Saturday, April 20th. All participants must check in no later than 3:00PM with their score cards and memory sticks.

11. Post Check In Party- Starting at 5:00PM will be the post tournament party including food, beverages, raffles, and sponsor recognition and tournament winners prize ceremony.

12. Protest- All protests must be in writing and delivered to the tournament director within 30 minutes of check in. The tournament director has the final say in all decisions. When in doubt snap a photo of a possible violation and bring it to the attention of the Jamboree director.

13. Rule Changes- Rules interpretation will be presented to the tournament director. The decisions of the tournament director are final and are not subject to appeal.

14. Release of Liability- A waiver and release of liability form is part of the registration pack and every participant is required to read, initial, sign, and date the waiver and release of liability form or they will not be eligible to participate.

15. Prize Structure- Participants are eligible for more than one first place class prize, one second place class prize, and one third place class prize; but only one prize per class. Each fish may only be used ONCE. Choose which division you enter your catch into carefully. You cannot use a fish in the Slam and a Largest fish Category.

16. Raffle- Each contestant will receive one raffle ticket with their meal ticket at check in. Additional raffle tickets may be purchased during the event. You must be present to win any raffle prizes. We have great raffle prizes, tickets will be available starting at 6pm, Friday, April 19th

17. Times to remember -

Captains Meeting - Friday 6pm

Tournament Launch time – 5am Saturday, April 20th.

Check in – Anytime during the event, Mandatory by 3PM on Saturday April 20th to score fish - NO EXCEPTIONS!
Award Ceremony and Pig Roast - Saturday 6PM.


Maryland Fishing License

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Boat Ramps

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Last edited by mullet miller on Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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mullet miller
mullet miller

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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Questions About SFKFJ    Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyWed Jan 16, 2013 4:43 pm

I have been getting some questions, so I'm going to answer them here and will make edits as needed so that I don't have to chase several threads down.

What License is needed?

You need a Chesapeake Bay & Coastal Sport Fish License. This license is reciprocal with the State of Virginia, meaning, if you are going to Kiptopeake later this year, you only have to register in Virginia, not buy a license.

Quote :

Chesapeake Bay & Coastal Sport Fish License Description:

The recreational fishing license structure changed in the 2010 session of the General Assembly. These changes become effective on January 1, 2011. A description of the license and registration requirements for the tidal waters of the State are as follows:

Resident and Non-Resident Chesapeake Bay & Coastal Sport (annual) License allows an individual to fish in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries and the state waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Atlantic coastal bays and tributaries from January 1 through December 31.

$15 – Resident Annual
$22.50 – Non-resident Annual

7-day Chesapeake Bay & Coastal Sport License allows residents and non-residents to fish in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries and the state waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Atlantic coastal bays and tributaries for 7 consecutive fishing days.

$6 – Resident 7-Day
$12 – Non-resident 7 Day

Can a sailed powered kayak be used?

Yes, there is no restriction on WAFI kayaks.

If a Tandem Kayak is used, do both people have to be registered?

Yes, the registration is strictly for the coverage of the awards dinner, t-shirts and a donation towards HOW.

It is highly advisable that if a tandem is used, and you are entering the Calcuttas, both participants should be in the same calcutta pools. Failure to do so, in order to keep things fair will result in a disqualification in the calcuttas.

Are Camping Fees included in registration fee?

Camping or other lodging is at your expense.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyFri Jan 18, 2013 10:02 pm

I'm all registered, paid, got my licenses and I'm going to start packing!!!!!!! I'm NOT missing this one!!!!
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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyTue Jan 29, 2013 11:27 am

I looked at a map, and the campground is quite a ways from the bay.
My question is Where do you launch from?
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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: camping?   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Jan 31, 2013 8:17 am

I know some guys have RV's, but what is everyone else doing for camping? renting a cabin or staying in a tent? If cabin and want to share let me know I will go in on one.
If it is a tent, is there a specific area that I need to request so I can be by everyone? Thanks! Rob
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Jan 31, 2013 9:11 am

Never mind, I got it figured out. The cabins were booked (as well as the electric campsites) so I got a regular one. I am bringing an extension cord so someone has got to hook me up with some power LOL! I will be in the Acorn loop spot#36. Where is everyone else staying? p.s. It is just me in the spot so if someone wants to split the spot with me just let me know.
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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Jan 31, 2013 9:43 pm

Acorn # 47 for me no elec. extention cord or solar power. now to register.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptySat Feb 02, 2013 10:24 pm

Rob and Frank, I'm sure we can find you guys power. A word to the wise though; go to Walmart and buy a small heater for $20 or $30 bucks!!!!!! Bob loaned me one last year on night 2. Night 1 I didn't sleep an hour!!!!!!

Worse case I will have 2 deep cycle AGM's with me that will give you power all night! See ya boys soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptySun Feb 03, 2013 12:39 pm

I don't know- I am kind of sick in the head- when I stay out of town I always turn the AC on full blast (in the winter) the guy I bunk with always complains that I could hang meat in my room, lol! I might pick up a heater just in case though. As the old trucking slogan goes "it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!"
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 10:06 am

I sent my check in to that really Swell Guy Bob Miller this week. I still have to book a campsite.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 10:10 am

Waterbug- hurry the sites are booking fast. If you find there are no more spots I have room in my campsite. Let me know.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Feb 14, 2013 11:31 am

Thanks Rob, I'll get on it. I better book a site myself I have others coming along. Thanks for the offer.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyFri Feb 15, 2013 11:23 am

So far it looks like3 of us will be on site #69
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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyMon Feb 18, 2013 7:38 pm

im in ,, will be there on fri am thruogh sun ,, in cabin with rick and oast
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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 7:37 pm

What bait or tackle should I use? I do have a, yes a as in one kayak carl T&W and a couple plugs. Not sure what to get. I saw this video on these bass kandy lures. Which look like shad plastics. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] any suggestions?
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Feb 28, 2013 10:46 am

Mullet would know better than I, but I do remember using TnW's and they worked. I think we brought bunker down with us last year. I can't remember.

I plan to fish for as many species as I can this year. We are co-sponsoring, and even though I've registered, I won't be competing. I plan to hang with everyone, have some laughs, and fish til I can't fish no more.

I'll hit Mullet up for tips and post them here.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Feb 28, 2013 12:47 pm

In the years past the bait of choice has been fresh Herring. Not sure if it's allowed anymore.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyThu Feb 28, 2013 1:29 pm

Mullet Miller just sent this.......

Baits and lures....

Cut herring (bring a receipt and have on you, it's in the regs that way)
Bunker will work
Bloods are always good for just soaking (top bait on the Turkey Point end of the flats)
Bass Assassins with jig heads in 1/4 through 1 once range, (Chart, Pearl, Opening Night, Pink)
Spoons, (Acetas, Large Dare devils in Silver and gold, stuff like that)
T&W (gonna see if I can get George to bring down a few flats of sandworms and we can sell them off)
Swimmers (X-raps bombers....)
Poppers ( a variety of sizes)

The thing to emphasize is that the target food of the Stripers is Herring....but be prepared for stained water ( as if you two need to know that.)
My all time best producer is still the Bass Assassin in Opening Night and Pink (paddle tails) Biggest fish I ever caught out there was on a large, hot pink metal lipped swimmer. Hope this helps
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 8:14 am

Thanks Chris & Bob. OK I think I pretty much have everything covered except for sandworms or cut up herring. (obviously will have to wait for those anyway) I am looking forward to the trip!

By the way- does anyone bring their mountain bike for riding, or is there no time?
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptySun Mar 03, 2013 9:49 am

I know you like riding and that area is great for it!!!! I won't have the lung power by then myself.

As we get closer, we all usually put our heads together on bait. The Herring has to be fresh. Frozen sucks for some reason!
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Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyMon Mar 04, 2013 3:08 pm

I'm planning on being there too. Coming down from OCNJ. Trying to get everything ready and replace the tackle/rods/tools I lost when my kayaks went bouncing around the garage in Sandy. At least they only broke a window and did not go floating off through it.

I hope to be down late Thursday night and fish Friday and Saturday. Hopefully my Revo 13 will be a little faster than the Outback I had previously.

I got site 48. No electricity, but I've been camping for the past 60 years so I won't have any problem.

Now if the weather warms up a little so I can get some time in before then.

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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyTue Mar 05, 2013 8:10 am

I got site 48. No electricity, but I've been camping for the past 60 years so I won't have any problem.

Good, now I know where to go for advice, lol! I have never been camping before.
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyTue Mar 05, 2013 11:01 am

Rob, you should be up off the ground. I have a cot that I can loan you for the weekend. I use one of those mummy sleeping bags after Seaflea showed me how well they work. Mine cast me $50 I think. Those two things and a $20 space heater from Walmart will keep you toasty. Bring and extension cord. We'll find ya power. I'll also have (2) RV batteries with me that'll give you electric too.
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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyTue Mar 05, 2013 11:06 am

Thanks Chris. I have an air mattress to keep me off the ground. I will have to look at the mummy sleeping bags- I have an older one and plan on bringing a bunch of old blankets just in case. I will be the epitome of a city boy gone camping, lol!
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SJ Fish Whisperer
SJ Fish Whisperer

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PostSubject: Re: Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree   Second Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree EmptyTue Mar 05, 2013 11:12 am

Oh crap I can see it now, the entire Wolfpack outside your tent after a few adult beverages making wild animal noises and clawing at your tent!!!! LMAO!!!
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